Tuesday, December 27, 2022

What is a name?

 "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet?"

                                                                      -William Shakespeare, "Romeo and Juliet" Act II, Scene II

Who and what defines an action of kindness?  Is it singular action done by me to make someone's life better, or is it defined by the person who receives the action?  Is service represented by the actor or recipient?   What if my intention is not viewed as kindness at all but pity.  Does it still count as a kind action by me?  Who defines this project, and what matters? Does God make the parameters of kindness? Does He truly intervene for the benefit of others?  I suppose time will be the judge of that.  

Today's Progress 


2 Possible acts of kindness- Keeping thoughts to yourself and making breakfast for a loved one.

My eldest daughter asked me to make breakfast for her.  My initial reaction was to remind her that she could make her own food.  Instead, I asked what she wanted and made her get the eggs, bacon, tortillas, and milk out for me. After I made her a breakfast burrito.  Was there kindness in keeping my harsh words to myself?  Or was it in making her request? Do I have to complete everything on my own for it to be a full act of kindness, or did I minimize the act by making her retrieve all the ingredients? Does making breakfast even count if you are a mom and should be feeding your children anyway?

Lunch at Maria's

1 possible act of kindness- Paying attention to humanity

Asked our waitress to help me practice Spanish.  Does this count? I noticed her accent and asked if she would help me practice. Does this make her feel special that someone is paying attention to the details of her life (an accent that is clearly Latina) and wants to participate in her culture's traditions? Is it racist for a white woman to point out her difference to make her feel seen and appreciated? Is it the Benjamin Franklin Effect? 

Art Supplies

1 possible act of kindness- Saying "Yes."

I let my second-born daughter use my watercolor paper when she asked.  Huge emphasis on the "WHEN SHE ASKED".  She usually just takes and trashes my art supplies and the surrounding area.  Paint is left to dry on our kitchen table, paper shreds are everywhere, and paint brushes are caked in dried paint.  I just wish she would ask to use my things.  So does this count as a good act when I allowed her to use my art supplies.  Or would the kindness be found in opening my craft supplies to her, no questions asked.

4 possible acts were completed today. 3,996 more to go.  

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What is a name?

 " What's in a name?  That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet?"                                      ...